
[email protected]

Sean Heyneman is a Language Access Manager at Ayuda. The Language Access Program trains interpreters, educates service providers, advocates for enforcement and amendment of local and federal language access laws, and arranges interpretation and translation services for dozens of nonprofits throughout the DC metropolitan area.

Sean oversees the coordination of interpretation and translation for nonprofit organizations providing victims services for their Maryland clients. He also organizes and leads trainings for interpreters on working in a victim services setting and, for victim service providers, on best practices regarding interpretation, language access, and use of Ayuda’s interpreter banks.

Sean has previously trained public health workers for the COVID-19 response and has several years of experience in teaching, teacher training, and international development in the educational and cultural spheres. Sean received his MS in environment & sustainability at University of Michigan, and his BA in international relations from State University of New York, College at Geneseo.