Ayuda provides legal, social, and language services to help low-income immigrants in our neighborhoods access justice and transform their lives. For over 50 years, we have served more than 150,000 low-income immigrants throughout Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia.
Ayuda’s expert and dedicated professionals help immigrants from anywhere in the world navigate the immigration and justice systems and access the social safety net. This comprehensive and welcoming approach breaks down barriers, helps those in need, and makes our communities stronger!
Ayuda Stands with Dreamers
September 5, 2017 Dear Ayuda supporter: The Trump Administration announced at 11:00 am this morning its decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration program. A centerpiece of U.S. immigration policy under President Barack Obama,...
An immigrant family gets a fighting chance
The Pineda family knows what it is like to fight. Ricardo Pineda served in the U.S. military for five years, including one year in Korea, away from his family. He was honorably discharged because of medical issues. Two of Ricardo’s sons, Juan Pablo Pineda and Kevin...
Know the signs of immigration services scams – Reconoce los señales del fraude en los servicios de inmigración.
**English version of press release included below the Spanish version** PARA PUBLICACIÓN IMMEDIATA Fecha: Julio 19, 2017 Jennifer Ristau | (202) 552-3619 | [email protected] |Anne Schaufele | (202) 552-3604 | [email protected] | Conozca a la Culebra Canalla, la...