Standing With Immigrants 2024 Unites 200+ Ayuda Suporters

On April 25, more than 200 immigrant supporters gathered at the Mexican Cultural Institute in Washington, D.C. for Ayuda’s Signature Spring Event: Standing With Immigrants (SWI). We were honored to see so many local changemakers, chefs and restaurants, pro bono law...

Ayuda Celebrates 50 Years of Serving Immigrants   

On May 4, more than 300 immigrant supporters gathered at Planet Word in Washington, D.C. for Ayuda’s 50th Anniversary Event: Standing With Immigrants (SWI). We were honored to see so many local policymakers, chefs and restaurants, pro bono law firms, and neighbors...

Aicha’s story

*Aicha is a forty-year old North African woman who came to Ayuda seeking legal representation for a civil protection order, divorce, and custody of her children from her husband, David. Aicha and David had been married for 15 years and have two children in common....

Alejandra’s Story

At the tender age of five years old, Alejandra*’s mother left her children to seek safety in the United States after experiencing severe domestic abuse from her partner. Alejandra stayed with her father, who was a dangerous and abusive man. Her father forced...